My Town

Kohnoike-shinden in Higashi-Osaka City

I live in Kohnoike-shinden. It is famous for Kohnoike-kaisho, an old regional center. You can reach there in five minutes on foot from Kohnoike-shinden Station of JR Gakken-Toshi Line.
You can visit there from April 1 to June 30, and from September 1 to November 30, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day except Mondays and the days after national holidays. Entrance fee is 200 yen for an elementary or junior high school student and 300 yen for each adult.

Click the picture, and you will enter.
You can find my children and me.

I saw this sky just when I arrived at my office in the morning. Can you find the tiny moon a little left above the center? (October 24, 2005)

I took this picture in the morning at the bus stop on Terashima Park . This sky shows the coming of autumn. (September 8, 2005)

On my way back home I saw this beautiful sunset. Can you find the crescent and the venus a little right above it in the left side of the picture? I think I made the picture too small. (September 7, 2005)

This is the rainbow over Terashima Park, which is within five minutes walk from Kohnoike-kaisho. Rainbow is a huge natural phenomenon. It is very hard to be taken into one picture. I took it into two pictures and made them into one. I hope I can get a fish-eye lens to take it into one picture next time.

This is Terashima Park near my house. I made the pictures into panorama movie. You need to install Quick Time. You can see our former residence.

In 1998 we saw many beautiful sunsets. I took this picture right after I left home. I had no time to waste and had to use a small camera.

Taking pictures of flowers or blossoms is very difficult. We can find cherry blossoms everywhere in spring, but I haven't succeeded in getting nice pictures of them yet.

As I grow older, I got interested in azaleas. These azaleas were very nice after the rain. I took these pictures in 2001, but I was too busy to capture the nicest view in the following year. I want to take the pictures of hydrangea next time.

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Tadanao Aso Last updated January 10, 2006