
Pictures of Scenery

 My family and I went to Daiozaki Lighthouse in Mie Prefecture on August 1, 2005. It was too tall to be taken into one shot, so I stitched two pictures into one. It looks a little strange, but just like you looking up at the top from below. Two daughters of mine and I were in the picture.

 This is the view from the top of Daiozaki Lighthouse. The weather was fine and the sea was very beautiful. My children didn't want to go into the sea, so we spent the second day in the swimming pool in Nemu no Sato. I felt a little sorry for that.

 This is one of the pictures I took in zao in March, 2005. The weather was sometimes good, so I took so many pictures of snow scenery.
 It's very difficult to take the shiny surface of snow. This was a successful one.
 Everything was covered with piles of snow.
 The snow on the roof had a smooth surface.
 We can see why trees covered with ice are called "ice monsters." The ice monster standing in the right looked like a woman in the dress.
 The actual size was much larger than people, but it's very hard to express it in a picture.
 I saw so many ice monsters here.
 This is the view of Kankakei in Shodo-shima Island on August 7, 2003. I composited four pictures into one. On the following day, a typhoon came close, so we had to cancel the plan and went back home. We have been unlucky in weather for some years every time we go on a trip.
 This is another shot of Kankakei. This was just before the typhoon. After this as we descended from the mountain, the weather started to become rough.

 My family and I went to Katayamazu Spa on August 21 and 22 1997. They held a firework festival on the night of 21. We enjoyed it from our room more than an hour. It took about four hours by car from Osaka through Meishin Highway and Hokuriku Highway.
 This was my first time to take pictures of fireworks, and I could use faster shutter speed than I had expected with the iris wide open. I recommend you press the button shortly after the fireworks become their best or use slower shutter speed with an iris slightly closed to catch the tracks of fireworks.
 This is the picture of Moraine Lake in Canadian Rocky, where my wife and I visited on our honeymoon in August 1990. This is my most favorite place. You may be familiar with this scenery.
 This is Niagara Canadian Falls. It is more popular. The small boat in the center is Maid of the Mist. We went close to the falls in the boat. It looked like a huge water wall. Though we wore rain coats, our face and glasses got all wet.
 This is a night view of Niagara American Falls. They don't have any other sights around Niagara Falls, so they light up the falls to amuse us all day. They change the colors of the light so often, and we can enjoy it very much.  


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Tadanao Aso Last updated on July 22, 2007.